The Journey to Wild Divine -
The Passage and Wisdom Quest
The Journey to Wild Divine is a unique program for mind & body that links biofeedback hardware with your computer to create an enlightening experience of wellness.
Step out of time and into endless possibility, where you'll practice breathing and meditation techniques, like the heart breath, an ancient yogic breathing technique that will help you achieve control over your mind & body to help reduce stress and improve physical and mental wellness.
Now available! Wisdom Quest, the second in The Journey series, featuring Deepak your guide (biofeedback hardware not included.)
To learn more about The Journey,
visit The Wild Divine today!

Begin Your Journey with The Passage.
The First in "The Journey" Series. Step out of time and into a realm of endless possibility, where you'll practice breathing and meditation techniques, like the heart breath, an ancient yogic breathing technique that will help you achieve control over your mind & body to help reduce stress and improve physical and mental wellness.

Continue Your Journey with Wisdom Quest.
The second in "The Journey" Series. Featuring Deepak Chopra, M.D. and Dean Ornish, M.D., as two of your new guides, Wisdom Quest builds upon the skills you acquired in The Journey to Wild Divine: The Passage. Practice new and exciting meditation and breathing activities for advanced training as you learn to integrate this wisdom into your daily life.
Wearing three finger sensors that track your body's heart rate variability and skin conductance, you'll learn to use the power of your thoughts, feelings, breath and awareness to:
* Increase relaxation
* Reduce stress and anxiety
* Restore balance and vitality
* Improve physical & mental wellbeing.
Wise mentors will teach you the skills you need, empowering you with yoga, breathing and meditation skills that will help you reduce stress and increase your physica l and mental health.
Build stairways with your breath, open doors with meditation, juggle balls with your laughter, and so much more.
The Journey makes biofeedback, a popular method of alternative healthcare, easily accessible and empowers you to take mind-body wellness, literally, into your own hands.
"The Journey to Wild Divine allows people to influence what is happening in their body, in their mind, and the world they create everyday." - Deepak Chopra, M.D.
Watch the Wild Divine demo or, to learn more about The Journey, visit The Wild Divine today!

Deepak Chopra - How does The Journey to the Wild Divine Work.
" Now with biofeedback, for example this wonderful game that we’re introducing to you called the Wild Divine, you can put these little finger sensors on your skin. And they sense two things: galvanic skin response, a flow of electricity and the resistance to it and they also measure our heart variability.
I am wearing these sensors; the information from the sensors go through this wonderful instrument, called the Heartstone, which then translates the information to my screen. And depending on whether I am relaxed or I am stressed the picture in the Wild Divine game changes.
I can do magical things if I am relaxed through breathing techniques thru meditation thru visualisation, thru putting attention and intention in my body I can influence what is happening in the videogame.
I can go on a mythical journey, build bridges, go across canyons, open magical doors, do all kinds of wonderful things, but I am doing it thru my mind, I am doing it thru my emotions, I am doing it thru my breathing, doing it by changing the flow of energy in my body because ultimately a body is nothing but energy and information.
Energy is influenced by attention which is the component of consciousness that includes this energy because where ever you put your attention on, you increase the energy.
And information is intention. Intention is the trigger for transformation. Your being a field of energy and information can be influenced thru attention and intention. So, thru this videogame you can actually do wonderful things inside your body, you can regulate your heartbeat, you can lower your blood pressure, you can change skin resistance and heart rate variability, in the future even brainwaves. But what I am seeing here is that thru this videogame in a few sessions you are becoming a yogi. You are learning that your body, your mind, your emotions and your consciousness are one continuum. "
Deepak Chopra: How can the Journey to WildDivine effect my mind-body wellness?
" This is a profound insight. In fact I talk in my book "The book of Secrets" that we are not in the world, the world is in us. We're not in the body, the body is in us. Ultimately we are not in the mind, the mind is in us.
The body, the mind, the world they happen to us as we curve back within ourselves and we create our minds and bodies and ultimately experiences of the world.
So, welcome to the Wild Divine and start this Journey of integration between your body, your mind and spirit and ultimately change your relationships thru this in a nurturing manner, change your environment so it becomes nurturing to you.
And change your experience of the world.
But you have to start by understanding that your body, mind and spirit are part of one continuum and that continuum is consciousness. In a few years I see the possibility that a patient goes to the doctor and the doctor says to the patient: Mrs. Smith you have irritable bowel syndrome, migraine headaches and refluxes. I can give you a prescription for 2 or 3 kinds of pharmaceuticals or maybe you play this game the Wild Divine. Play the game and see what happens. Come back and see me in two weeks. And maybe after playing Mrs. Smith does not need the prescription anymore. That is gonna happen.
As we learn to influence our brainwaves we will be able to produce states of consciousness that are such that we won't need to smoke that cigarette or drink that alcohol or take that drug. The possibilities are endless.
But the Journey has already begun. Try the Wild Divine, see what happens, you will be surprised that you have immense powers, immense control, immense influence to what's happening in your body thru choices that you make.
Thru techniques that you will learn, breathing, playing with you own energy fields, thru attention and intention, relaxing, meditating, visualizing, putting attention in two different parts of your body.
Using your intention you will see that your body is not only a field of energy and information but a bundle of consciousness. And when you experience your body as a bundle of consciousness you will experience immense joy, immense ecstasy. And it will become an adventure into healing and a journey into healing.
So I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity. Give us your feedback what your experiences are. We are already getting feedback of a lot of people who have tried it. And they say wonderful things, my headaches went away, my irritable bowel disappeared, my asthma is now under better control, I sleep better, my relationships have improved. I could go on and on. Hundreds of people have sent testimonials it's really very remarkable where modern technology and ancient wisdom are coming together and making us not mere technicians but real healers. Thank you. " - Deepak Chopra
Jan with Deepak Chopra during a seminar in the Netherlands.
Watch the Wild Divine demo or, to learn more about The Journey, visit The Wild Divine today!
