De Zwarte
Consultancy, Coaching & Creations
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Isness for Effective Business

Create and Win for Inside Sales (CWIS)

Create and Win for Inside Sales (CWIS) is a structured, repeatable methodology designed to help inside sales organizations to:

  • Define and approach their business strategically
  • Set priorities for accounts while meeting sales objectives
  • Develop the full potential for products and services within each account
  • Uncover potential new sales opportunities
  • Increase sales per employee while decreasing the selling cycle
  • Enable more effective communication within the sales organization


Create and Win for Inside Sales (CWIS) is a two-day workshop in which participants learn how to:

  • Build strategic account plans that will enable them to drive predictable revenue and leverage selling resources effectively
  • Learn best-in-class techniques for qualifying and closing opportunities

The workshop is offered in three formats:

  • Private, instructor-led, two-day workshops
  • Train-the-trainer workshops to support training conducted by sales management/training
  • Public, instructor-led, two-day workshops with open registration for multiple companies

Sales Tools

These three tools help put the Create and Win for Inside Sales methodology into action:

  • CWIS Business Map—to capture all "Create" opportunities within accounts and provide a "white space" analysis
  • CWIS Opportunity Plan—to capture the critical information needed on each opportunity to help win the deal
  • Sales Pipeline Worksheet—to help the organization reach its quota


Follow-up workshops support the adoption and use of the Create and Win for Inside Sales methodology:

  • Coaching CWIS—provides tools and techniques to inside sales managers to help install and improve utilization and adoption of Create and Win for Inside Sales.


  • Management/Executive Alignment Workshops—based on experience drawn from deployment of sales methodologies at hundreds of organizations. These workshops are specifically designed for supervisors and managers, enabling them to anticipate and design program installations based on best practices learned from prior installations.
  • Transfer of Ownership—assists clients installing and implement the CWIS selling system within their organizations.

Technology-Enabled Selling Tools

Siebel CRM applications feature embedded best practices to support both opportunity management and business/account mapping and reporting.

More information on Create and Win for Inside Sales you can find on this Create and Win for Inside Sales datasheet. You need adobe acrobat to read this document.

If you want some more information on De Zwarte Consultancy's training offerings, don't hesitate to email me at

Target Account Selling | Selling to Senior Executives
Enterprise Selling Process | Portfolio Management Process | Territory Management Process
Create and Win | Create and Win for Inside Sales
Channels and Alliances Management Process | Partner Portfolio Management
Managing Sales Productivity
| iNsight Selling

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